Cozumel’s reefs as well as the coastal areas have been and still are the legacy and provide the main livelihood for our island. Their preservation and sustainable management is crucial for Cozumel’s subsistence. All of the water sports operators have the responsibility to take care of these resources. Therefore, it is necessary for us to unite and organize within an Association in order to ensure that we have a powerful presence, voice and participation in all matters that involve our island resources.
We would like to invite you to hear the vision, goals and objectives of ANOAAT Cozumel (Association de Operadores Actividades Acuaticas Turismo de Cozumel). Below, we outline some of our ideas, goals, and vision. We are open-minded and willing to hear your ideas and proposals to strengthen our objectives. ANOAAT Cozumel will:
- Promote the safety of both staff and guests who are participating in any aquatic activities in the waters of Cozumel. We will promote good practices of such activities, including training, education, improvement and a strict adherence to procedures and safety protocols which are essential to guarantee the safety of our guests and staff.
- Promote compliance to the standards that currently regulate aquatic activities on the island, as well as interact with the proper authorities in order to update those standards when our community deems it necessary and pertinent.
- Encourage and promote the conservation of our natural resources (reefs, mangroves, beaches, lagoons, fishes and bird populations, and in general all the biologic groups that inhabit those areas). Right now, we are witnessing serious and perhaps irreversible damage of all kinds. The time to act accordingly to stop this damage is NOW.
- Have a presence and voice in front of the Municipal, State and Federal authorities to express our opinions and to have an active role in the decision making. Our goal is to achieve standards that will benefit the entire island. We also aim to have influence on those decisions that may negatively affect the areas where our activities take place and for the island in general.
- Promote a positive image of Cozumel as a desired tourist destination worldwide raising the quality of our services with the support and collaboration of other associations and the promotion of tourism for Cozumel.
- Integrate ANOAAT Cozumel into the social and economic development of Cozumel in a dynamic and ongoing manner. It is not only very important to seek support from other associations, but also to have solidarity with the members of our community.
Board of Directors
Cesar E. Zepeda Escamilla, President
Roberta Cwiertnia, Treasurer
Christi L. Courtney, Secretary
Robert Bungener, Advisor
Rosa Vargas, Advisor
Alejandro Oliver, Advisor